Shruti Seth on online age shaming: Ageing is viewed in such a negative lens | Bollywood

In a recent post on social media, actor Shruti Seth took a bold stance against age shaming, advocating for a more positive dialogue surrounding the natural process of aging. Without mincing her words in a conversation with us, she remarks, “We need to start talking positively about something that is natural and evolutionary. A friend and I were talking and she mentioned that the young GENZ complains about ageing like milk, which I feel was a big trend a couple of weeks ago. Young girls in their mid 20s have started to do procedures and using anti ageing products, I find it shocking. I think it all just comes from the fact that ageing is viewed in such a negative lens.”

Shruti seth on age shaming
Shruti seth on age shaming

Reflecting on her personal experiences, Seth challenges the notion that aging should be met with sadness or regret. “My timeline is flooded with people saying, ‘oh my God, we are so sad that you’re aging’ and I feel why are you sad? I am having the time of my bloody life,” she asserts, adding, “Who is planning to defeat science and evolution here? There are procedures, but do you want to do them? No. The pressure that everybody has to carry to be young forever is ridiculous. To be honest, I was very foolish in my youth, I have now become more sensible. Growing older has been an eye opener of sorts.”

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Acknowledging her own journey of self-discovery, Seth underscores the importance of embracing maturity and counting one’s blessings. “The whole conversation is about preserving my youth. Why should I preserve it? I have had a wonderful life. We all need to start counting the blessings we have had in the past and how we have become mature,” the 46-year-old shares.

As an actor, Seth also acknowledges the societal emphasis on beauty but mentions about the folly of attempting to defy the natural aging process. “I am all for beauty. But, at the same time, I recognize that I can’t look 20 all my life, it will be foolish to even want that. I am having a great time in my 40s. I am stronger, fitter, richer and I have had more experiences, a fulfilling life, and a wonderful satisfying career, which is still going strong,” the actor continues, “Ageing is seen with a lot of disdain ki, ‘Hayee, vo toh buddhi hogyi hai’, like they are feeling sorry for me. I want to ask these people, are you still kids? Tum buddhe nahi hue kya? Ageing needs to be turned into a more positive conversation.”

In closing, Seth encouraged individuals to prioritize self-care and well-being without succumbing to societal pressures. “Why is everyone so scared of ageing? People don’t even tell their real age to each other now. I had a genetic problem of greying hair from when I was 17 years old. So, I always had to colour my hair. If something makes you feel good, please do it. The problem is that it’s making people feel bad, that’s the issue. People in the public eye do suffer a lot more than an ordinary person,” she wraps up.

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